sábado, 10 de mayo de 2014

Money can change the world

listen to ‘money isn't important’ on Audioboo

It is said money can change the world, we’re living in a materialistic society and everything can be got with it. There’s no doubt money has become one of the most important things is our society and I think it could be really disruptive for all of us. 

I firmly believe that there are other things more important than money in life. Happiness or love, for example, could they be bought? Personally, I think we usually give too much importance to expensive things, in other words, the more expensive they are the better we think they could be. And from my point of view, we don’t appreciate things we can get with effort and without any money.

Having said that I also want to say that most of the times to be a rich person may help you to get things easily. It’s true that life is not a bed of roses and I have to accept that with money there are more opportunities to get what we really want or need. 
All in all, I think everyone has to have their own limits and know what they need to be a happy person. 

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