Food in France is really appreciated, and there are some of the important restaurants which are well known around the world.
But nowadays, 54% of total restaurants are becoming fast food and sandwich shops because people don’t want to spend a lot of money with food. There is the example of Balthazar de la Boude who opened a sandwich shop four years ago and he said that the crisis had been what has caused this change.
A lot of people prefer to eat in an ordinary restaurant paying a low cost than to go to a good qualified and at the same time expensive one. Also, there are a lot of people who prefers to eat in the office and to don’t waste time at work.
On the other hand, the prices on the fast food restaurants have raised but it doesn't seem to affect the level of business.
It’s true that sometimes we prefer to go to a fast food restaurant than to an expensive and well known one. Maybe because we are living a bad economic moment and we’re looking for cheap prices, or maybe because of the time.
We live in a stressed world and everybody wants to do their issues in a minimum time as possible. During the week, we don’t have time to go to a restaurant and sit down for a long time for eat, so we prefer to eat fast and in a cheap way.
All in all, I think it’s not such a strange thing to read this type of news, but I agree fast food restaurants are not good for the health.
Rare: poc cuit
Bargain: oportunitat “ganga”
Outstripped: superar
Bargain: oportunitat “ganga”
Outstripped: superar