One of the most important and dangerous problem we have in our society is the smoking. Yesterday, the European Union approved a legislation in order to decrease the number of the people who smock in United Kingdom, concretely.
An alarming number of deaths which are caused by the smoking have to make us think about the really negative effects it could cause. The European Union estimated that 700.000 is the number which shows us how many deaths are caused across the EU by smoking.
This legislation includes some rules like: put some pictures covering the packets of cigarettes, a ban on a mental, fruit or vanilla cigarettes, or a ban on promotion elements which aren’t saying the truth.
Especially, the European Union wants to reduce the number of teenagers which begin to smoke really early and this is an alarming and so prejudicial thing we have to consider. It’s really important because it an issue that concerns the whole world and we have to pay attention with people’s health.
On the news, it is said that this legislation will be introduced in two years.

On the other hand, I want to say that I think to smoke sometimes (not every day and for example in some moments you want to be relaxed) it’s not a really bad thing, and also everybody can try it once. But even though, there are some people who after trying it one day, then they can’t help to stop smoking in their live, and this is the main problem.
ban = prohibició
trade= comerç
flavoured= gust
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