miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2014

A soulmate for me

Is it said that finding a person who could by our soulmate is a really difficult challenge. I think in life we’ll  meet with a lot of different people, even though we’ll always think they won’t be that special person we’re looking for.

I’m not so strict about his looks but taking into consideration I’m tall, I would like to find someone taller than me ( not as Pau Gasol, if possible).
I would like to find a person I can spend long hours and never be tired of and someone I could share unforgettable experiences with. Above all, I think he has to accept me the way I’m and be also a person I can always trust in.
I think in a relation trust is one of the most important thinks it should has to be if the couple want to succeed and get a special bond.

All in all, even it isn’t easy to find a soulmate like this I will search as far as I need to meet him, and start a new life next to an special person.

domingo, 2 de marzo de 2014

"I love you"

sábado, 1 de marzo de 2014

Sweet 18

It sounds strange but I can say I’m eighteen years old! Well… I can anything has changed, but I hope in time I could see some changes in my life.
Even it was on Wednesday and I had to go to the high school, it was a really special day. I was with all the people that I love and I have to say that it makes me the happiest person in the world. 

My family gave me a really special gift that I didn’t expect it; it was a Parachute jump!! Since I was a child I’ve always wanted to do it and now they have given me the opportunity to  I have been thinking and I’ve decided I will do it in June, after “Selectivitat”.

On Saturday we celebrated Eloi’s birthday and mine with all our friends. We did a dinner and after it we went to a party, it was a fantastic night and we enjoyed a lot. I want to say they made me a video with some photos since I was a child until now, and it was really nice and it made me cry a lot. 

Indian headshakes

During this week has been uploaded a video that has got an awesome viwer on Youtube. It was made by Paul Mathew, a writer and director from India. On the video we can see how Mathew shows the peculiar way they act and especially, the Indian headshakes they make to answer any questions, how they react in a situation, etc... For example, she explains the headshakes they make to say: “yes”, “no”, “thanks”, “maybe”, “what’s up”, ...

He says that she didn’t expect to have this popularity because there is something to improve on the video. It’s named "Indian Headshakes, what do they mean", and on it we can see two men acting. And about the reviews which are about the video; most people thinks it’s original and reflects the reality.


From my point of view, I think this video isn’t so original as most people think.  On the one hand, it’s funny how they act and what they say, but on the other hand I think all the headshakes have been exaggerated and with some comic effects, as Mathew admits.
Even though, I think it could be a popular idea and project around the world.


viral: (de virus)
sceptical: escéptico
foreigners: estrangers

Tough EU smoking rules approved

One of the most important and dangerous problem we have in our society is the smoking.  Yesterday, the European Union approved a legislation in order to decrease the number of the people who smock in United Kingdom, concretely. 

An alarming number of deaths which are caused by the smoking have to make us think about the really negative effects it could cause. The European Union estimated that 700.000 is the number which shows us how many deaths are caused across the EU by smoking. 

This legislation includes some rules like: put some pictures covering the packets of cigarettes, a ban on a mental, fruit or vanilla cigarettes, or a ban on promotion elements which aren’t saying the truth. 

Especially, the European Union wants to reduce the number of teenagers which begin to smoke really early and this is an alarming and so prejudicial thing we have to consider.  It’s really important because it an issue that concerns the whole world and we have to pay attention with people’s health. 
On the news, it is said that this legislation will be introduced in two years. 


On one hand and as all we know, smoking is a really dangerous addiction that a lot of people are affected by. Nowadays, I think that people begins to smoke so early, most of them being influenced by their friends or another people around them, and for example I want to add that I know people who are under 15 and they smoke every day.

On the other hand, I want to say that I think to smoke sometimes (not every day and for example in some moments you want to be relaxed) it’s not a really bad thing, and also everybody can try it once. But even though, there are some people who after trying it one day, then they can’t help to stop smoking in their live, and this is the main problem.

ban = prohibició 
trade= comerç
flavoured= gust



Choosing one person who has had a major influence on my life is really difficult. Since I was born I have met thousands of people and I have lived a lot of periods of my life where I have had really different type of person next to me. 

However, if I have to mention one (except my family), it would have to be my teacher at primary school. She’s Marta, is from Tenerife and I met her when I was six. Since the first time I saw her I knew she would be a fantastic teacher, and I wasn’t wrong. Even I was only six years ago, I noticed she loved her work, we could see her passion and enthusiasm for what she did. She was my math’s teacher and I have to say that she rubbed off on me her passions of mathematics, and now I love this subject. 

Also, I remember one day that I fell in the corridor and I broke my leg. That day I had to go to the hospital and my parents were at work and they couldn’t come to the school. I remember it was Marta who stayed next to me all day in the hospital and she gave all the support that I need. Now, she is working in another town, but we keep meeting us from time to time and I’m really proud of it. 

Social classes

Since always we’ve lived in a society which is divided into different social classes. Concretely, if we make a reference to Price and Prejudice book we talk about the privileged class which was so popular in England some centuries ago. People from this social class are really recognized by the origins and their family, and of course they are also well known by their popular and traditional income.

On the one hand, I want to talk about one of the most important things related to this type of social class, it’s the education. Well, rich people from this society are recognized by having really good manners; they take care of how they have to act in front of the others and what they have to say, they are really known by the way they speak. Also, this type of people can afford to have a good education, and this issue is not allowed for everybody. In my point of view, this is one of the unfair things we have in our society. I also want to refer to these people who don’t have the origins but they do their best to have a good education and a social and cultural class.

On the other hand and as we can see in Price and Prejudice, relationships aren’t moved by real feelings. In my opinion, they search for a person who also has the origins, manners from recognized family. I think, most of the times they don’t search for a person to fall in love with, I mean a real love. The only thing they are interested in is the wealth and the kind of family belongs to. This is reflected in the film with the love stories between for Elizabeth and Darcy or Charles and Jane.